Krashen's Comprehensible Approach to Language Learning

Stephen Krashen, a renowned linguist and researcher, introduced the idea of the "Comprehensible Approach" in the 1980s. His theories on second language acquisition have been foundational for many language teaching methodologies that followed.

The Input Hypothesis

At the core of Krashen's theories is the Input Hypothesis. This suggests that language learners acquire language most effectively when they understand language input that is slightly above their current proficiency level. Krashen labeled this as "i+1", where "i" is the learner's interlanguage and "+1" is the next stage of language proficiency.

The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Krashen also believed that emotional factors such as motivation, anxiety, and self-confidence play a significant role in language acquisition. When learners are relaxed and confident, they are more likely to be receptive to acquiring new language. Conversely, a high-stress environment can raise the "affective filter" and impede language learning.

The Natural Order Hypothesis

Another significant aspect of Krashen's theory is the idea that grammatical structures are acquired in a predictable order. This order doesn't necessarily align with traditional grammar teaching, which is why Krashen suggested focusing on meaning over form during initial stages of learning.

The Monitor Hypothesis

Krashen proposed that while acquiring a language is a subconscious process, learning about a language is a conscious one. This "conscious learning" acts as a monitor, where learners can use it to check and correct their output. However, it's most effective when learners have enough time to think about correctness, such as in writing.

The Acquisition-Learning Distinction

Lastly, Krashen made a clear distinction between acquisition and learning. Acquisition is a natural, intuitive, and subconscious process similar to how children acquire their first language. Learning, on the other hand, is a result of direct instruction and is a conscious process.

Krashen's theories, though debated, have had a profound impact on the world of language teaching. His emphasis on comprehensible input and the importance of a positive learning environment resonate with many educators and learners alike. As with all theories, it's essential to consider individual learner needs and contexts.

Looking to delve deeper into language learning methodologies? Check out our other article Boost Your Language Skills with Interactive Learning Videos and authentic language learning.